CS1.6 Useful Scripts

The Burst Fire Script

This script allows you to control the number of shots fired by pressing different keys. Adjusting the wait times and sequences can help you find the optimal shooting pattern for your play style.

					// Define wait aliases
alias w2 "wait; wait"
alias w5 "w2; w2; wait"
alias w10 "w5; w5;"  // Optimal delay between shots if fps_max is 100

// Define fire aliases for 1, 2, and 3 shots
alias fire1 "+attack; wait; -attack"  // One shot
alias fire2 "fire1; w10; fire1"       // Two shots
alias fire3 "fire2; w10; fire1"       // Three shots

// Bind keys (mouse) to the fire aliases
bind c fire1  // Button c for one shot
bind v fire2  // Button v for two shots
bind b fire3  // Button b for three shots
bind mouse4 fire3 //Right mouse button for three shots


w2, w5, w10: These aliases define different wait times. w2 waits for 2 ticks, w5 waits for 5 ticks, and w10 waits for 10 ticks. These are used to create delays between shots.

fire1, fire2, fire3: These aliases define sequences of commands for shooting 1, 2, and 3 rounds. They use the +attack command to initiate shooting, followed by a wait, and then the -attack command to stop shooting.

bind c fire1, bind v fire2, bind b fire3, bind mouse4 fire3: These commands bind the fire aliases to the keys ‘c‘, ‘v‘, ‘b‘, and ‘mouse4‘ respectively. The keys can be changed to desired.

The Stop Reload Script

A situation often arises when the enemy appears during the reloading of the weapon, which leads to defeat. The script binds the ‘r‘ key to reload but with a twist. When you press and hold ‘r,’ the regular reloading occurs. However, if you release the ‘r‘ key before the reloading finishes, it executes the ‘lastinv‘ command twice, quickly returning to the previous weapon.
This approach is an interesting way to create a mechanism for canceling the reload by releasing the key.

					alias +rel "+reload"
alias -rel "-reload; lastinv; wait; lastinv" 
bind r +rel


+rel: This alias is triggered when the ‘r‘ key is pressed and held down. It initiates the regular reloading process.

-rel: This alias is triggered when the ‘r‘ key is released. It cancels the ongoing reloading process (-reload) and then executes the ‘lastinv‘ command twice. The wait command introduces a small delay to ensure that the ‘lastinv‘ command is executed after the reload cancellation.

bind r +rel: This binds the ‘r‘ key to the +rel alias when it is pressed and held down.
This script provides a way for players to cancel the reload quickly if needed, allowing them to respond to an unexpected threat during the reloading process. It’s a clever modification to the default reload behavior in Counter-Strike.

The simple script is a straightforward one that binds the ‘q‘ key to execute the ‘lastinv‘ command twice with a small delay. This quickly switches to the previous weapon, essentially resetting the weapon state.

					alias reset "lastinv; wait; lastinv"
bind q reset


reset: This alias is defined to execute the ‘lastinv‘ command twice with a small delay between them.

bind q reset: This binds the ‘q‘ key to the reset alias. When the ‘q‘ key is pressed, it triggers the alias, quickly resetting the weapon state by switching to the previous weapon.
This script allows players to efficiently revert to their previous weapon with a single key press, which can be useful in various in-game situations.

The Double Duck Script

The script makes your character move more silently by ducking using the mouse wheel and at the same time it will be difficult to hit you.

					alias +silent "+duck"
alias -silent "-duck"
bind MWHEELUP +silent

The Long Jump Script

The script for combining jumping and crouching with the wait commands as per your request.

					// Adjust as needed based on performance. The optimal delay here is a double wait command if fps_max is 100
alias w2 "wait; wait"

// Define jump and crouch aliases
alias +hj "+jump; w2; +duck"
alias -hj "-jump; w2; -duck"

// Bind keys (mouse or space) to the jump and crouch aliases
bind mouse3 +hj
// or
bind space +hj


This script uses the wait commands to introduce delays between the +jump and +duck commands to ensure smooth execution. Feel free to adjust the wait times based on your preference and performance. Test it in-game to make sure it works well for you.

The Anti AFK Script

The script executes a group of commands in a loop Just turn on the script and go about your business.

					// Define commands for AFK state
alias on "+attack2; +forward; +left; cl_yawspeed 80"

// Define commands for non-AFK state
alias off "-forward; -attack2; -left; cl_yawspeed 210"

// Toggle between AFK and non-AFK states using a single button
alias toggleAFK "afkOn"
alias afkOn "on; alias toggleAFK afkOff"
alias afkOff "off; alias toggleAFK afkOn"

// Bind 'v' to toggle the script on and off
bind v toggleAFK


on: This alias includes the commands to be executed when the player is in the AFK state. It sets the attack2, forward, left, and yawspeed commands.

off: This alias includes the commands to be executed when the player is not in the AFK state. It cancels the forward movement, attack2, left movement, and resets the yawspeed.
toggleAFK: This alias is used to toggle between the AFK and non-AFK states. It is initially set to afkOn.

afkOn: When triggered, it activates the AFK state by executing the commands defined in the ‘onalias and sets the toggleAFK alias to afkOff.

afkOff: When triggered, it deactivates the AFK state by executing the commands defined in the ‘offalias and sets the toggleAFK alias to afkOn.
bind v toggleAFK: This binds the ‘v‘ key to the toggleAFK alias, allowing you to easily turn the script on and off by pressing ‘v‘.

The cripts: Two or more grenades at once

Throw Two Flash Grenades at Once

					// Define wait aliases
alias w2 "wait; wait"
alias w10 "w2; w2; w2; w2; w2"
alias w40 "w10; w10; w10; w10"
alias w80 "w40; w40"

// Define flashbang throwing aliases
alias fl1 "weapon_flashbang; w80; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias fl2 "weapon_flashbang; w80; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias fl "fl1; w80; w40; w10; fl2"

// Bind 'b' to throw two flash grenades at once
bind b fl


w2, w10, w40, w80: These aliases define different wait times. w2 waits for 2 ticks, w10 waits for 10 ticks, w40 waits for 40 ticks, and w80 waits for 80 ticks. These are used to create delays between actions.

fl1, fl2: These aliases define sequences of commands for throwing a flashbang. They use the +attack command to initiate the throw, followed by a wait, and then the -attack command to stop throwing.

fl: This alias combines the actions of throwing two flashbangs with optimal delays. Adjusting the wait times can help find the optimal throwing pattern for your play style.

bind b fl: This binds the ‘b‘ key to the alias fl, so pressing ‘b‘ will throw two flash grenades at once.

Throw All Grenades at Once

					// Define wait aliases
alias w2 "wait; wait"
alias w10 "w2; w2; w2; w2; w2"
alias w40 "w10; w10; w10; w10"
alias w80 "w40; w40"

// Define grenade throwing aliases
alias gr1 "slot4; +attack; wait; -attack; w80; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias gr2 "slot4; +attack; wait; -attack; w80; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias gr3 "slot4; +attack; wait; -attack; w80; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias gr4 "slot4; +attack; wait; -attack; w80; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias gr "gr1; w80; w40; w10; gr2; w80; w40; w10; gr3; w80; w40; w10; gr4"

// Bind 'v' to throw all grenades at once
bind v gr


w2, w10, w40, w80: Similar to the previous script, these aliases define different wait times for creating delays between actions.

gr1, gr2, gr3, gr4: These aliases define sequences of commands for throwing grenades. They use the slot4 command to switch to the grenade, followed by a +attack command to initiate the throw, a wait, and then the -attack command to stop throwing.

gr: This alias combines the actions of throwing all four grenades with optimal delays. Adjust the wait times as needed for your preferred throwing pattern.

bind v gr: This binds the ‘v‘ key to the alias gr, so pressing ‘v‘ will throw all grenades at once.

Feel free to test these scripts in your game environment and adjust the wait times to find the optimal throwing pattern for your play style.

Good Luck and Happy Frags!

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