


The Overpass, a bomb-defusal map set on a German canal overpass. Its unique verticality and open spaces demand strategic smoke placements and coordinated pushes.

Type: Bomb Defusal
Faction Terrorist: Phoenix Connexion, Eastern Europe
Faction Counter-Terrorist: GSG-9 (GrenzSchutzGruppe-9), Germany
Location: Germany
Release Year: 2000
Map code: de_overpass

For Terrorists:

For Counter-Terrorists:

Utilize the map’s verticality, scaling crumbling structures and rappSecure areas like Train and Park, denying CTs access to key flanking routes and disrupting their rotations. Obscure vision lines on the main overpass and lower areas to mask your entry points and bomb plants. Flank from unexpected angles like side canals and upper platforms to overwhelm CT defenses.g down shafts to flank unsuspecting CTs. Control the central canal, a crucial chokepoint, with smoke and well-placed Molotovs to cut off CT rotations. The dark tunnels beneath B Site offer surprise attacks and sneaky bomb plants.

Anchor strategic points like Truck and Motel, controlling sightlines and denying Terrorist entry to the overpass. Flashbangs and smokes are your allies, flushing out hiding Terrorists and disrupting their coordinated pushes. Respond quickly to Terrorist movements, utilizing the interconnected pathways and ladders to regain control of the map.

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