Counter-Strike 2
The Rank System 2024

Counter-Strike 2, is the long-awaited sequel to the legendary eSports game. But beyond the thrilling gunplay and strategic depth lies the most important element for every player: the ranking system. Understanding your rank and how it works is key to setting goals, tracking progress, and finding your perfect match. Counter-Strike 2 offers several ranked game modes. In addition to the usual “Competitive” mode, an updated “Premier” mode was introduced, whereas a reward you receive is “CS Rating – this is a visible Elo number that changes depending on the results of the player’s matches. In this material, I will look at the key differences between the Premier and Competitive modes and help to understand the new Counter-Strike 2 ranking system. So, grab your AK/MK, and let’s dive into the confusing world of CS2 rankings in 2024!

Premier mode in CS2

Premier Mode in Counter-Strike 2, also known as Active Duty Pick-Ban, is essentially the main competitive mode for serious players. It elevates the competitive experience compared to the standard “Competitive” queue by offering several key features:

  • Map Pick-Ban: Each team gets to ban a certain number of maps, ensuring you play on maps you’re comfortable with and reducing randomness.
  • Public Ranking: After playing 10 matches, you receive a public “CS Rating” as a number and placement on global and regional leaderboards, showcasing your skill level.
  • Forfeit Conditions: You can vote to forfeit a match if a teammate leaves, preventing unfair situations and protecting your rank.

Overall, Premier Mode aims to:

  • Foster a more strategic and competitive environment.
  • Increase player agency and control over the match experience.
  • Provide a clear ranking system for measuring individual skills.
  • Reduce frustration from unbalanced matches and leavers.
  • Competition to FACEIT, ESEA, etc.

What is CS Rating?

Gaining “CS Rating” in “Premier” mode will be achieved through calibration, which will require winning 10 gaming matches. The purpose of calibration is to provide an accurate assessment of the player’s skills. Qualifying matches held within this system will determine your skill level based on the results achieved in battles, including victories or defeats, as well as the strength of opponents. Once you pass the calibration, the game system will provide you with the first “CS Rating” of Counter-Strike 2.

CS Rating is a new indicator of a player’s skill in Counter-Strike 2 in Premier Matchmaking mode. In other games, this is called MMR, which is short for Matchmaking Rating and is more commonly known in the CS community as the ELO number or ELO rating. This is a number that increases if you win and decreases accordingly if you lose. This number is not a simple win-loss ratio, it is the result of a rating formula that takes into account such inputs as the expected number of losses, expected number of wins, team A rating, team B rating, and player ratings. Accordingly, you will gain more CS rating if you defeat a team whose overall rating is higher than your team’s, and you will lose more if your team’s overall rating is higher than the opponent’s. In case of a tie, the probability of losing or gaining points is the same.
Also, now the system will select players that match your level. You can find your ranking in the Leaders section of the Premier game menu. The Leaderboards tab contains the following information: Rank, CS Rating, Player, Wins, Win Rate, and Region.

Remember: rising to the global elite is a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on improving your skills, learn from your mistakes, and work effectively with your team.

CS Raiting has a color gradation, and the palette is the same as the rarity of weapon skins. Rating color ranges have increments of 5,000 units.

  • 0 – 4,999 – Gray
  • 5,000 – 9,999 – Light Blue
  • 10,000 – 14.999 – Blue
  • 15,000 – 19.999 – Purple
  • 20,000 – 24.999 – Pink
  • 25,000 – 29.999 – Red
  • 30,000 and above – Yellow
CS 2 Rating color level

Premier Mode's Blindfolded Map Selection

The Counter-Strike Premier mode includes a pool of seven maps:


In this mode, the player cannot select a map for the match. Teams use a map pick and ban system based on majority rules, which is another key difference from Counter-Strike 2’s Competitive mode.

  • Step #1: The first team bans two maps out of seven
  • Step #2: Then the opposing team bans three maps out of the five remaining
  • Step #3: Then the first team bans 1 map out of the two remaining
  • Step #4: The opposing team chooses a side
CS 2 map pick up 1
Step #1: Ban 2/7 Maps
CS 2 map pick up 4
Step #3: Ban 1/2 Maps
CS 2 map pick up 2
Step #1: Ban done 2/7 Maps
CS 2 map pick up 5
Step #4: Pick a side
CS 2 map pick up 3
Step #2: Ban 3/5 Maps

Thus, a Counter-Strike 2 player needs to be prepared to fight on all seven maps. The player will be able to see the maximum number of points that can be obtained in a match even before the start of the fight. Many noted this as a plus since previously the ranks did not change even after sets of 10 victories.
In Premier mode, the maximum number of rounds is set to 12 per side, meaning players can play 24 rounds per match, but in the event of a tie, this can be increased to 30 rounds. The pause before the start of the round is 20 seconds, each team can take 4 breaks of 30 seconds.

Competitive mode in CS2

The Competitive mode in Counter-Strike 2 is a classic matchmaking system from CS: GO. Here you will find all the familiar 18 ranks, starting with Silver and ending with Global Elite. The mode in Counter-Strike 2, compared to Premier, offers a more familiar and relaxed competitive experience.

One Rank - Nine Battles or 90 Wins to Mastery

To get a rank, you also need to achieve ten victories on a specific map. In “Competitive” mode, you can, as before, select maps from the available list. Then run a search, and the game will find like-minded people for you. The competitive mode includes a pool of the following nine maps:

Dust 2 logo
Dust 2
Office logo

One of the unique features of Counter-Strike 2 is the introduction of map-based ranks. This means your skills are assessed on a map-by-map basis, allowing you to excel on your favorite maps while honing your skills on others. Essentially, to fully calibrate the Competitive mode, you need to win 90 victories.
This system allows for better balancing of teams that takes into account a variety of playstyles and preferences, making the rank system more detailed and personalized, which allows you to assign titles more reliably.

The Ranks of CS2 in Competitive Mode

I think that the visible ranks in Counter-Strike 2 Competitive mode (Silver, Gold Nova, etc.) are tied to underlying numerical values that aren’t directly displayed to the user. While I don’t have an official confirmation, the evidence suggests that numerical values underpin the visible ranks in Counter-Strike 2 Competitive Mode. This approach aligns with industry practices and best serves the goals of fair matchmaking and player progression.


The proving grounds for new players, where fundamentals like map awareness, aim, and basic tactics are honored.

Rank 1

silver 1
Silver I

Rank 2

silver 2
Gold Nova II

Rank 3

silver 3
Silver III

Rank 4

silver 4
Silver IV

Rank 5

silver 5
Silver Elite

Rank 6

silver 6
Silver Elite Master

Gold Nova

Stepping up the game, players in this tier encounter more coordinated teams and strategic gameplay.

Rank 7

gold nova 1
Gold Nova I

Rank 8

gold nova 2
Gold Nova II

Rank 9

gold nova 3
Gold Nova III

Rank 10

goldnova master
Gold Nova Master

Master Guardian

Teamwork and map control become paramount as players reach this mid-tier, requiring effective communication and tactical thinking.

Rank 11

master guardian 1
Master Guardian I

Rank 12

master guardian 2
Master Guardian II

Rank 13

master guardian elite
Master Guardian Elite

Rank 14

distinguished master guardian
Distinguished Master Guardian

Legendary Eagle

Advanced strategies and precise aims come into play here, where even minor mistakes can cost rounds.

Rank 15

legendary eagle
Legendary Eagle

Rank 16

legendary eagle master
Legendary Eagle Master

Supreme Master First Class

This tier separates the elite from the exceptional. Expect lightning-fast reactions, masterful map control, and an understanding of high-level tactics.

Rank 17

master guardian 1
Master Guardian I

Global Elite

The pinnacle of competitive CS2, this rank houses the game’s most skilled players, known for their unparalleled game sense, clutch plays, and unwavering dedication.

Rank 18

global elite
Global Elite

Table of differences between Competitive and Premier modes in CS2

Feature Premier Mode Competitive Mode


The Prime Status is required!


Rating system

Numerical scale: CS Rating
Ranking system: Ranks

Map Pool

7 maps: Ancient, Anubis, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, Vertigo
9 maps: Ancient, Anubis, Dust2, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Office, Overpass, Vertigo

Map Modes

Bomb Planting
Bomb Planting and Hostage Rescue

Rating Visibility


Placement Matches

10 matches overall
10 matches per map

Maximum rounds

30 rounds
25 rounds

Correlation TABLE between CS2 Competitive and Premier mods

premier vs competitive 1
premier vs competitive 2

To date, there is no correlation table between CS2 Competitive and CS2 Premier ratings. You can find similar tables on the Internet and most of them will be different because they are compiled by the players themselves, purely from their considerations and experience. Some claim that the Premier CS Rating is 15,000 equal Competitive Global Elite rank, and some claim that Competitive Global Elite has a Premier CS Rating no lower than 25,000.
Competitive and Premier are independent game modes. Both modes have separate ranking systems with different scales and evaluation criteria. Comparing them directly with a static table is at least not reasonable for the following reasons:
Dynamic character.
The CS2 Premier rating is constantly adjusted based on performance, making it flexible and less suitable for fixed correlation with static competitive ratings.
Individual skill options.
Player skills may vary between maps, which affects ranks in competitive mode. A player who is successful on one map may have a lower rating on another, making it difficult to directly translate into a Premier rating.

The Profile Rank in CS2


There are also profile ranks in Counter-Strike 2.
The profile rank in CS2 is a cosmetic item that reflects a player’s progress in the game. It is displayed above the player’s competitive skill group on their profile page. The profile rank is increased by earning experience points (XP), which are awarded after matches in both casual and competitive modes.
There are 40 profile ranks in Counter-Strike 2. Once a player reaches profile rank 40, they will start over at rank 1. However, their service medal will level up. The service medal is another cosmetic item that is awarded to players who reach certain profile ranks. The service medal has six levels, and the level of the medal is based on the highest profile rank that the player has ever reached.
To level up the service medal one level, a player must reach profile rank 40. So, for example, if a player reaches profile rank 40 for the first time, their service medal will become level 1. If they then reach profile rank 40 again, their service medal will become level 2. And so on.
The profile rank and service medal are purely cosmetic items and do not have any impact on a player’s gameplay. However, they can be a fun way for players to track their progress in the game and show off their experience of Counter-Strike 2.


What are the different ranked modes in CS2?

Competitive Mode:
Traditional matchmaking with visible ranks (Silver, Gold Nova, etc.).
Premier Mode:
More competitive mode with map pick-ban, and public “CS Rating” as a number.

What is CS Rating?

A number in Premier Mode reflecting your skill level increases with wins and decreases with losses.
Similar to ELO/MMR in other games.

How do I get a CS Rating?
  • Get the Prime Status
  • Win 10 calibration matches to receive your initial rating.
How does map selection work?

Teams take turns banning maps until only one remains, promoting strategic choice.

How does Premier Mode work compared to Competitive Mode?

Separate system with a focus on individual skills rather than map-specific ranks.
No direct correlation between Premier and Competitive ranks.

How do I get ranked in Competitive Mode?

Win 10 matches on a specific map to earn a rank for that map.
90 total wins are needed to fully calibrate ranks across all maps.

Are there hidden numerical values behind the visible ranks (Silver, Gold Nova, etc)?

Likely yes, though not officially confirmed. Similar to other ranking systems for fair matchmaking and progression.

What is Profile Rank?

Cosmetic item reflecting overall progress in the game earned through “XP” (score) in all modes.
Resets at level 40 but unlocks service medal levels.

Where can I find my rankings and leaderboards?

Leaderboards section in Premier Mode game menu.
Profile page and in-game displays.